Ah, Photoshop. The modern day equivalent to mockup paper cutouts and film paste ins (learn more about early graphic design processes written in a frighteningly humorous manner here!). You can heavily saturate existing colors, brighten up dark areas, change hues altogether, mash two photos together, you name it. A designer's job is so much easier, and yet under greater scrutiny, with Adobe's suite of computer programs. The photo above is an overly masked image of the beach I took with my Nikon. The sky has been highly saturated using the curves adjustment layer and a straight-up pink paint blob set to Overlay. The waves themselves have been saturated and brightened using curves as well. I also brightened the Sun spot using a white blob set to overlay. The result is a wonderfully stereotypical depiction of a sunset. I am now convinced that nearly every landscape photographer uses these tricks in their work.
Random pic of the week: everything's more beautiful with Photoshop
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